The murder of Moira Jones.

Scottish True Crime
7 min readMar 25, 2024

One of the many cases that has shocked the city of Glasgow in recent times was the murder of business woman, Moira Jones. It was on the 29th of May in 2008 when Moira had just left her boyfriend’s apartment and was heading home to where she lived on Queens Drive in the southside of the city. Moira was approached by a man and she was abducted. She was forced across the busy road into nearby Queens Park where she would be subjected to an unimaginable violent assault that culminated in her rape and murder.

The following day, Moira’s possessions were found scattered along the grass and then her half naked body was found by park workers under a bush, close to a path. The police were quickly notified and the park was closed down to the public and a murder investigation was launched. During door to door enquiries the police interviewed a local resident named Lucie Pechtlova who told them she had a Slovakian male staying with her who had recently moved to the city from Liverpool. She notified officers that she had been concerned with his behaviour and particularly on the night of Moira’s murder. Pechtlova told officers the male had been drinking heavily and became aggressive with her before storming out of the flat, telling her he was going out to find “whores”.

This was obviously of great concern to the officers and a forensic examination of the flat was ordered. DNA found from…



Scottish True Crime

A Scottish true crime blog based in Glasgow. Writing about some of Scotland’s most interesting true crime cases.